Suggestion Messaging

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by UndΣrdσg, Feb 26, 2015.

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  1. UndΣrdσg

    UndΣrdσg Forum Greenhorn

    Is there a chance that our developers can add an option to chat box where in if a player wants to be on "Idle" or AFK (away from the keyboard) mode, they can have a simple "auto-reply" message.

    For example, If I'm playing and suddenly I need to go outside and buy some stuffs and then I set an option that when someone sends me a message, they will receive an auto response from me saying I'm on idle mode or I'm not in or I'm busy (in real life)?
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    There's a chance, but since it's been suggested numerous times for the past 3 years... you can estimate the likelihood of that chance :)
  3. UndΣrdσg

    UndΣrdσg Forum Greenhorn

    I see. Hopefully, they can look on that and do something to improve the gaming experience. After all, being on idle mode (and taking a few minutes of break) is also part of a satisfying gaming experience.
  4. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    The Dev's have been known to suddenly decide to add something out-of-the-blue that players have asked for for years. (Breaking their usual convention of adding things that almost no one wants :D ) So there is as good a chance as anything else of seeing it in a future release. Cross your fingers ;)
    UndΣrdσg likes this.
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