Suggestion Buy Experience/Wisdom/Honor page

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pydragons, Feb 4, 2016.

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  1. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Let us buy an Experience/Wisdom/Honor page for some ander, just like inventory slots.
    I would like to have a page for PvE, PvP and for boss raids.
    Would gladly spend 10k ander to unlock 1 page in either Experience, Wisdom or Honor section.

    Premium users would have an additional free page in each of the three trees.
    Non-premium users would have to pay ander.
    sebastian_fl and Bubble like this.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'm not sure I follow... Another preset?
  3. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Don't tell me you don't change skills when you enter Heredur fatal. Instead you would open the Experience tree skill and apply the 2nd page of some build you created. In this case it is a skill build for bosses. Until you reach Heredur, you would use a skill build suitable for fast killing of group of mobs.
    Maybe you would have a PvP build for 1v1 and a PvP build for flags. 2 different pages, 2 different builds.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Ok, so I did understand correctly. You are asking for the ability to switch between preset arrangements of skills. They already have claimed to be working on that (or at least considering it) for Knowledge and PvP, and it already exists for the Experience skills. Personally, I don't mind if they make it a Premium feature, but I wouldn't pay andermant for the ability to switch. As long as they keep it free to change skills, I don't mind taking 15-30 seconds to switch skills around. Also, I'd much prefer a better UI, such as we see here.
    ekant1992 likes this.
  5. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I do need more presets. Not another one, but a bunch of them. Why shouldn't it be an unlimited amount? It wouldn't hurt, it's all about usability and waste elimination. Less time clicking, more time playing. I would ultimately want to pick a preset that will set all three trees to a preconfigured selections.

    While I could live with clicking in PVE, in PVP there are lots of cases that I would change all the presets and some items when I see the team structures, or even 1v1 opponent. With all the variaty of playing styles, we should be offered with variaty of configurations.

    I don't like the part of idea about buying this. It should be free by default available for all users, including never-premiums. And if I remeber correcrly, Haruki or someone mentioned they will add second preset to the other tries. I would ask for more than that.

    I also agree with Baragain on better Info Architecture on the screens, and I would take it even further.
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