Some questions about the game!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Purp, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. Purp

    Purp Forum Greenhorn

    Hey guys, im pretty new to this game. I started 3 days ago and it got pretty aditctive ;P I first made a ranger and got to lvl 18 but then realized that i didnt deal any damage so i made a mager and now im lvl 26 on it. I would really appriciate if u could answer these questions about some things in the game, thanks.

    1. What things should i look for on items to make my mager as strong as possible and balanced.
    2. What should i spend my andermant on? i got like 3.6k right now.
    3. When i want to get rid of an item, should i melt it or sell it?
    4. What 2 spells should i use most of the time on the mager?

    If you got some tips and tricks for me i would gladly read them, thank you.
  2. eedman86

    eedman86 Junior Expert

    Hey there,
    I can answer some of those for you.​
    2. Its wise to spend your andermants on either gems or inventory/locker space. I suggest you get at least the last line of the first page of your inventory ( which costs 1.6 or 1.2k) and then go for opening up locker space.
    3. At your level I don't think its really worth melting an item. As you level up (say level 40+) its a better practice to melt pink and orange items and sell the rest.
    4. Chain lightning and lightning strike is really good for lower level mages if you're going for PvE. Fireball is best for PvP.
    As for your first question, just play with whatever you are comfortable with. Something that lets you kill mobs fast but also let you take some hits without dying. A good practice, in my opinion, would be to look for crit/ damage/ crit damage enchantments on the left side items and defensive enchantments on the right with the weapon with the highest damage you can find along the way. But do not spend extra time trying to find items with those stats. Try to get to level 50 first and then start looking for good items.
    artemisz1221 likes this.
  3. Welcome to the game Purp. You're right when you say that it can be adictive. For some generic helpful tips and tricks, check out the DSO Guide, or the DSO Wiki. Regarding your specific questions, I'm sure that you will have no shortage of helpful advice from our forum community.

    Good luck, and happy gaming.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    1. You don't need balance ... think about balance when you hit level 50. For now you will need attack speed and damage.
    2. Save them and buy gems on sale or inventory space.
    3. Sell green and blue items melt extraordinary or better.
    4. For now Magic Missile - because you can refill the mana and Chain Lightning - because you can stun and hit multiple targets
    artemisz1221 likes this.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    1. On items:

    Weapon - Try to find a 2-hander with more "% increased weapon damage" (higher the better) lines or at least +Damage lines.
    Other items - Mostly search for items with a good +Damage lines.
    However, you would need some health and armor too to survive.
    +Resistance lines are mostly useless. So, stay away from those.

    2. Andermants should be first spent on inventory and locker space

    3. Sell green Rings and Amulets. Everything else melt

    4. Magic missile and lightning strike are my favorites on my Mage (PvE)
  6. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    This might be true for low level gameplay, but when you hit level 50, and as more champions with random enchantments are introduced into the earlier maps, you might want to keep an eye on them as well, I could agree on them being the less consecuential bonus to some degree, but it depends which map and monsters you're facing.

    Some high end players rely only on their diamonds to do this task, we mortals do need some of those lines in our items while we farm for better gems, I speak from experience, I neglected my resistance values for so long, even after hitting level 50, that I had paid the price quite a handful of times, though I already got some balance after experimenting a little bit with the legendary stuff I currently possess.
  7. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    It's possible to play with no diamonds or resistance at all, even with the various elementally enchanted champions. Just... don't get hit. :D
  8. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Though I'm rarely hit by those nowadays, and I survive anyway, we gotta agree that not all of us are as skillful, I'm pretty good at dodging with my SW, but if one is aware of his/her level of skill, or maybe has a not very efficient machine or connection, might as well have some resistances in case things get ugly, don't you think?
  9. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    XD Guardian lure. Pretty much how I deal with all champions.
  10. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    You do realize the Guardian is not invincible, right?, I also hope you do realize there's a lot of instances when it gets destroyed with ease, specially in fatal modes. Have you also noticed that when a DK uses the Battle frenzy the taunt stops working?. If you dodge 100% of the hits from everything and everyone, good for you, congratulations, we're all humans and prone to make mistakes, personally, I like to be ready in case my dumb fingers mess me up, cheers.
  11. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Can someone confirm me that in dungeons from Stalgard upwards (Lor'tac), monsters re-spawn? I was confused when I saw that happen. And what about the PWs dungeons? (ain't lvl 50 yet, but I'm curious)
  12. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    Yes, the mobs in those places respawn and no the PW mobs don't respawn like them
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
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