New Moon (NEW)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I have got this belt from Magotina and it is not part of any set. I can't recall Brutality of the Enforcer having a belt ...

  2. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    "witchs" :D
    Well, theoretically we're finally getting that long-promised increase in RF drops.
  3. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    Well, someone in test server told me that bosses drop from 5 to 10 flowers....i don't know if it's completely true but he seemed to be quite sure...However, almost everybody takes 5 flowers.It may change in real server.Who knows...
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I can confirm that I got 3x Mystical Lunar Blossom from the Black Queen Magotina in one run ... all the other drops (both from Karabossa and Magotina ) were x5.
    VoulaAek1 likes this.
  5. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    3x is too bad if it's true.It should be 5x 10x and 20x.We need at least 3-4 months to complete the one set, and is really hard to do it if you are alone. I hope they change it.I have SM and i dont find any reason to complete the set...
  6. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    No, Im not forgetting, just do the math without that because it will gone in little time :).
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    True, but I've been farming nothing but keys since the beginning of the event and I'm up to 86 keys and climbing. They changed the drop mechanic of the blossoms to include the 3x, and unless there are higher drops (10 or 20 for example), then I'll need to farm a little more than 140 to be safe... maybe 160-180. :mad:o_O
  8. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    160-180 keys only for the boots??? Ok maybe i don't need it anymore :confused:
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Well, R170 is live and I had such high hopes for the day time map... until I ran it and got a grand total of 12 wood a run. There is no way an average player will be able to farm enough wood to be able to do the bosses. Once again, our pages of feedback about the moon events has been ignored.
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    But I though one'd farm the wood while the event is on, no?
  11. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    You should be able to do the same while the event isnt running on as well so that way you can focus on the bosses while the event is on instead of farming wood.
  12. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    Well I'm afraid all your precious keys will serve another purpose than wood farming.

    The huge amphorae loot was a bug (confirmed by bp). Now it gives 25-40 wood.
  13. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    i only ran it once to check and got 31 wood and 5 green items. not the best but better than 12. if they made all trees drop the wood like before I think it would be fine, but seems around 1 in 3 are dropping and there is no big boss that can drop up to 50 either
  14. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    I got a whopping 28 wood drops on the day map in 1 run. That is miserable. The old map gave about ~100 average per run.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Consider yourself lucky :D
    This is how my drop looks like every run

    Who said they are for wood farming? :p

    BTW it was not the big golden amphora ... it was a drop from the regular ones. :D
    check that screen again
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You can, but the drop is just as bad.
    The gold amphoras were dropping 95 and a scroll. I have enough damage that I'll gain wood as I go, but normal players are going to have problems.
    You guys were lucky. My experiences were more in line with what Trakilaki experienced.
    They did nerf that. I was only getting 20-40 this morning and the gold was giving less than 100. I don't see the version in that pic, but I'm betting it wasn't R170_13.
    trakilaki likes this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes it was the very next day ... if not in the same day (can't remember) ... I was not counting on them anyway.
    Besides ... why would you need that amount of woods ... that is enough woods to kill all the monsters in this game ... twice ... including that lazy King Harold ... and set the entire game and your PC on fire. :D :D
  18. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    It was little more. About 110-115 wood per round.

    Many times I wrote hire about how BP lose there perpestive and raise needed game time to infinity. New Dragan was obvious example of that policy. Now the New Moon event is getting even more crazy... all of my post are label as "rant", "missleading" etc. The fact is just simpe. Word game mean to have fun, to injoy your time and BP policy will end when players must play 8h daily to get all done. I could play 8h daily.... if thay give me a salary :).

    Just last month I had argument about that with one "Im the best player" and he was so convinced that he will get all tier 3 items in new Dragan set in 14 days of event. After 14 thay all he get is #nolife on his profile.. but not new Dragan set.

    Now new "New Moon" made change in gameplay. With old gameplay only 1 of 5 (in group) need to have scroll and you can play. Now all 5 need scroll and also must have lots of wood. With 1min and 40sec of immunity event play with random group is supreme stupidity because there is no way you can predict why many of wood you will need to finish queen. Most likely scenario with random group will be: losing time, losing nerves, losing resourses... until one is left alone in the map and kill queen solo (of course there si high chance that there will be one hyena who will lie dead until you kill the queen).

    So.... lets go solo :). You "only" need about 32 kills to get one Tier 3 item. If you start with august New Moon event you will get Tier 3 item in novembar :))))))))). 4 month. And somewhere in august of 2017 you will have 3 items Tier 3 to complete the set.

    First rule of a game.... players must be addicted to the game not push away.
  19. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    I have more ambitious goals.


    Even if they nerf the drops, at least I have a good stock of these little guys.

    What's the definition of insanity?
    Morinphen and _Baragain_ like this.
  20. Vayne

    Vayne Forum Apprentice

    The normal amphoras are dropping the scroll too?
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