Ghost Festival

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Oct 19, 2016.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Can my deleted post in this thread be moved here so I don't have to write it all over again?
    I will edit it and add more contents.


    Few words on R176

    What the hell is this? You broke the game ... that's what it is. Where is the crit hit on off-hand items and weapons? You already messed them up two years ago when you removed the base stats introducing the compare tool.


    You didn't fixed anything you broke the items ... there was no double crit hit display ... it was Base Critical Hit + Crit enchantments but you had to screw it up again.

    2. Pets are now causing rubberbanding because they are acting like obstacles now.

    Ghost Festival

    You have massacred the upcoming already lame event Ghost Festival. You removed few quests and instead of RE you made them doable only once.

    Will-o'-the-wisp : That quest was REPEATABLE ... giving one Gem Bag (flawed or splintered gem ... just like the Daily Login Bonus) . You made it doable only once XDXd ahahahaha ... players would get rich if they get 10-15 flawed gems .... so you had to "fix it" and make it not repeatable and giving one simple gem


    Challenge quest Mirror, Mirror in my hand : Big Point logic --- starting with 2/2 giving 20 skulls for collecting 10/20 fragments ... which BTW needs 3-4 runs


    ... and you continue with same quest (not 2/2 nor repeatable) which requires 100/150 fragments and gives only 10 skulls :D
    Which BTW needs 30-40 runs.


    So you are generous and rewarding the players with 20 skulls for 3-4 runs ... but in same time they get 10 skulls for making 30-40 runs. (meaning not a single player will play the second quest line again because no sane human being is playing quests in challenge dungeon after finishes the progress in 15-20 runs ... especially if the dungeon has nothing to offer: no drops, no uniques ... no monsters either)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2016
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Royal Surprise Chest has been removed.


    Gwenfara was dropping those chest 100%
    1. normal mode - 1x 100% drop
    2. painful mode - 1x 100% drop and possibility for another one
    3. excruciating mode - 2x 100% drop

    Those chests were dropping any kind of loot like essences, pots, regular items ... etc.
    After removing them from the drop list ... Gwenfara is dropping nothing useful.
    Those chests were decent consolation reward when you don't get the unique item (which is happening almost 95% of the kills).
    So why making events when you don't let players enjoy them??
    sebastian_fl, VukChe and BokiSablja23 like this.
  4. x_Dragon_Slayer_x

    x_Dragon_Slayer_x Someday Author

    What else could we expect the wonderful world of Drakensang?
    They try to fix something and make it worse.
    I only need the drakens of course xD
    Thx, for another spectacular event (hahaha).

    P.S. Need a event or game in wich we can enjoy with our friends, not a "slaver" and monotone event or game...
  5. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Well, I suppose that players should give a signal to the developers, stopping to play a such dead meat as DSO actually is, and not vice versa, cause devs do not have a reason to make things better seeing we (you) still keep up with playing and playing.

    Since this doesn't happen with a significant amount of players, here are the results. Yes I agree: "why making events when you don't let players enjoy them??". But I could say that the true problem is not having removed the tiny compensations such as the supply chests would be. Rather, it is to continue to produce items/uniques that are useful only to fill even more an inventory of stuff that is probably used at 10% or less.

    I have played the new New Moon a lot in the latest two months just to get the tier-3 cloak. I really didnt care of the fact that was a useless farming, and that everything I got was almost good just for selling/melting (except andermants ofc). I had a target, it finally had a kinda of meaning, so I applied for many hours in order to reach it. Sure, the improvement was tiny but it was always better than nothing, and playing DSO i am used to big effort just to have a little in exchange.

    All this, just to say that is really not necessary to make a miracle in order to keep us engaged with the game.

    Unfortunately, all the latest (!!) changes and additions seem good just to put you in confusion, always more often combining some odd effect to the low stats of the items, in the blind belief that "somebody could appreciate it, and if not you, somebody else for sure" (this is the repetitive answer i receive from CMs on FB, all times that I try to criticizing the follies that developers are doing).
    Dragenstein likes this.
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