Suggestion Explosive Arrows

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by UndergroundKiller, Sep 10, 2016.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There are no OP skills ... the whole skill talent system is broken.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  2. BiggestBill

    BiggestBill Forum Apprentice

  3. Aemon

    Aemon Advanced

    ever met 2h mages in pvp? same concept...just that its even worse since the firball's size is huge all the time, not only when it explodes.
  4. ImmortalDeath

    ImmortalDeath Junior Expert

    hey guys, i had a good idea while i was bored farming the desert map....

    what is we leave EA alone, and let rangers have something else...

    a new unique set, one that gives precise shot (red arrow) a 5% armor break that lasts 4 sec, and this effect stacks 5 times...

    this way, us rangers actually have decent (its still quite weak the way i presented it) armor breaks.. and we dont have people making EA spamming builds... and precise shot isnt really worth spamming unless you mark first, so that problem is fixed....

    ofc it doesnt have to be a unique set, can be a skill upgrade, but thats up to the devs if they want to change the skill system again...

    and then you can neft EA, i wouldnt care...

    Another thing: EA doesnt make sense because ranger and spellweaver are dmg/crit chars, and dks and midgets are tanks. dks get dragon hide, midgets get iron dwarf. .... spellweavers get singularity.... all really good... except EA gets unlocked at 50 and is still really EDIT and armor break lasts for nothing.
    which is why pw soloing is really annoying with a ranger.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 18, 2016
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is the way rangers must play ... they need to mark.
    I am marking even NPC's first ... before taking quests. :D
  6. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert


    And, EA got that explosion that allows it to become a shot at points skill, much more than fireballs.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  7. Llogos

    Llogos Junior Expert

    I know pretty well the EA, and if I was not a RA, then I would say ''nerf it, its OP'' etc, but as long as I am a RA, why should I complain? As @trakilaki said ''There are no OP skills... the whole skill talent system is broken. ''. Yes the system is broken, and EA is not OP at all. Not after the changes they made. When it came first time,you could possibly say it, but still didn't make it real as well.

    As for the MC skill, well if you can not understand the simple logic on what I say, based upon the description of the skill, then keeping the conversation it will be a waste of time that I will never get back, so.....

    PS: If you are tired of all that, then why you don't leave as plenty did already? Just saying..
    trakilaki likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Just wait ... SWs are having reworked Ice Missile skill in R174 ... now they are using ranger's HA ... they pierce through opponents and hit the others behind :D :D
  9. Llogos

    Llogos Junior Expert

    I will not be surprised if we see them at some point using ''ice turrets'' and ''frost skin'' like SM's turrets and DK's dragon skin......
    trakilaki likes this.
  10. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Okey, maybe you play PvP spamming explosive arrows like no tomorrow, killing lots of players and doing lots of damages...

    My dead grandpa could do the same.

    It's not so complicated to understand that if you shot EAs form outside screen sight and kill other players, you are not a strong PvP player: you simply have QUITE GOOD aim and good crit/crit damage.

    Where are player' skills? They are basilar, not different from other player' skills.
    It's just a matter of who shot it first.

    Do you think that this works fine?

    And, about "pvp broken skill system etc", if none starts by asking some changes, when will it be changed? If everybody complains about a broken system, but they keep on living with that system, where is all the matter of complaints?

    As I've already said, there are other skills to change (like mechanical tourrets, as u said: thicket of thorns etc)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  11. noor1991

    noor1991 Someday Author

    You want to report players for spamming skills in pvp which is not any kind of rule breaking, and you also wish they get banned? what kind of logic is this? you especially from everyone here should know that this is not how things work...


    Oh wow, also thicket of thrones needs a nerf?
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 7, 2016
  12. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    When I first saw this thread I thought you guys bastardized mine :))

    Fortunately its separate.

    The only difference is that with fireball you have to hit an opponent directly. Also, as you said you have to be 2h glass canon to deal reasonable damage.

    Neither is required with the EA. Just hit the ground and mage is dead.

    But mages also got one skill-less skill I forgot about. The ice sphere. The skill is fine in almost every regard, as it deals good damage but has limitations - short range, slow speed. But the issue is the attack speed has no impact, which also favors noob players. I hate it. Why should someone with 1.58 cast it as fast as someone with 0.83.

    Guess it was a mage throwing meteors towards you :))))
  13. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Who's talking about nerf? when did they change the meaning of "change" to "nerf"?

    Oh, they never did that. Nerf is a kind of change, but I'd hope for some improvements on thicket of thorns, deadly blow, net (slow as hell), bird (stupid as hell).

    He was talking about players that "cheat" during pvp matches, with (my example) dsocam etc.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Where did I say "spamming "?
    I was talking for arena exploits ... like boosting for example.
    noor1991 likes this.

    RAVIKARNATAK Forum Greenhorn

    what is boosting and pushing?, can you explain with in-game examples and their types , please?.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Boosting -
    Pushing - it is basically what all twinks are doing ... farming maps with blockers BUT most of the time it is their own character ... playing in multiple screens/windows/etc.
    Farming the maps with one character just for the benefit of the other.
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