New to DSo. Question about Karabossa set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Devlinne, Dec 23, 2016.

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  1. Devlinne

    Devlinne Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone, i'm new and so far i'm loving the game.

    Anyways to get straight down to it.

    With sets like Karabossa. Say i manage to get 3 tier1 items this round and use em, to upgrade it i will have to get 3 more so i can craft it to go to tier 2. This i understand.

    BUT, by the time the next new moon comes out i would have leveled up, and the karabossa items available the next round would be scaled to a higher level when i open the window.

    So my question is, CAN Karabossa sets (or any for that matter) be crafted up with 4 same pieces but of different level?

    Thanks for any and all help in advance.
    Belei likes this.
  2. WilliamMunny

    WilliamMunny Forum Apprentice

    All sets to my knowledge when crafted will scale to your current level.
  3. Devlinne

    Devlinne Forum Apprentice

    Thank you. however My apologies if i wasn't clear. Let me explain more clearly.

    Today i get 1 Tier 1 cape lvl 41 item

    Next new moon i get 1 Tier 1 cape lvl 43 item

    Next new moon i get 1 Tier 1 cape lvl 45 item

    Next new moon i get 1 Tier 1 cape lvl 50 item.

    So when i craft my tier 2 cape can i add in the lvl41, lvl 43, lvl 45 and lvl 50 cape = Lvl 50 tier 2 cape?

    Is the above how it works?

    Or must i gate 4 X lvl 50 cape tier 1 = 1 X lvl 50 Tier 2 cape?

    Apologise if this is abit confusing, but i trust the above clarifies what i'm asking.

    Thank you for your response and i hope someone can help me out with this question.
  4. Tilwin90

    Tilwin90 Padavan

    Yes. At the very least, it always takes the highest level of the four items, and that is the level of the crafted item.
    Why I say at the very least - I am not convinced the item is not actually your level. So, say you have levels (45,46,47,48) but you are level 50, I am not sure the resulting "increased tier" item is not level 50 actually (instead of 48 according to the rule above).

    Keep in mind that either of these are only true for unique items (increasing tier). For regular crafting, this rule no longer applies.
    Devlinne and Belei like this.
  5. Devlinne

    Devlinne Forum Apprentice

    Thank you very much for the info. Appreciate the assist :)

    Now i can work on my set with this knowledge.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If it behaves like other crafted uniques (like the Black Warlord set), it scales to your level and the level of the items is irrelevant.

    When LVL 50 came out, I had saved 4x of each of the LVL 45 Black Warlord set and when I leveled up to 50, I crafted them. I am still using that set to this day.
    Devlinne likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    If you don't need them now ... i would suggest you to keep the blossom until you have enough for Tier 3 item (when you are level 50).
    Or just buy one item and keep the blossom until Level 50 ... you would save much more inventory space that way.
    Devlinne likes this.
  8. Devlinne

    Devlinne Forum Apprentice

    Thanks all. I decided like traki said, got the tier 1 and will save the blossoms from now till i can get the tier 3 straight.

    Nice to have helpful peeps willing to share knowledge over here.

    If any of you are on Teagan, drop by to say hi. - IGN: Hellzanger lvl 44 Dk (and rising) :)

    Just got the machine torso,fists and helm while doing quests in the dwarf areas. Once i finish the quest line that takes me to the boss that drops these stuffs, i wanna farm the set and see if i can use it whilst progressing.

    Catch ya'll soon :)
    trakilaki likes this.
  9. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    That is a great set for leveling a DK. I have one toon who will ride it all the way to lvl50 (one bar to go for lvl49 right now. The problem with it is that the gloves are an extremely rare drop so to get the 5/5 bonus I had to buy the belt from the merchant. I could have gone with the2H axe but it is very expensive compared to the belt. I have a decent blocking shield and 1H axe so the 1H build works better for me anyway. Along with the rage wisdom talent it's like having the basic Banner skill on all the time.

    The downside is the set totally blows for pvp :eek: Not a big deal for me since I am quite content to lose my way to a clover :p

    Luck be with ye,
    WilliamMunny and _Baragain_ like this.
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